Homeschooling 2 the Promised Land presents...
Bigger Than You
Reading Time: 5 min. 9 Secs.
Scripture Readings:
1 Samuel 17:1-51; Exodus 16:1-36; 17:1-13; Matthew 11:15.
Read Next Devotional: Blessings In Obedience
Day 9: Published on December 4, 2016
I am often reminded of the bible story of David and Goliath. This has become an all-time child’s favorite as this story has been read by many children all over the world. Seeing through the eyes of a child while reading stories such as this causes children to believe they can achieve the impossible. But, as adults, we often tend to forget stories like the story of David and Goliath.
You know why?
It is because somewhere throughout our transition between childhood into adulthood we tend to live more comfortably. We are not being challenged enough to have a need to fight like David did. Some of us go through all of our schooling years and for the most part, may deal with the typical ups and downs of growing pains.
These are what I’d like to call first-world problems. You know, being opposite of some countries who are having to deal with finding clean drinking water and a good meal for the day! But, this is why a lot of us need to be reminded of stories such as David and Goliath. Because what happens when we’re faced with situations in our lives that are clearly beyond our extremity? How would we even begin to handle them?
Some of us probably wouldn’t handle them very well. It takes faith like David’s to survive trials initially designed to take us out! As we face the giants or Goliath’s in our lives we need something that will help us to persevere. We need that something to aid us as we are crossing over our transitions of life.
Have you ever been to a point in your life where it seemed that everything around you is seeming to fall apart? Have you experienced life when as soon as you recover from one loss, something else seems to go wrong and then another?
You are having to battle in one war after another and then you get to a point that you are tired. You feel as if you cannot fight anymore because you’ve been fighting for so long to keep afloat and it has worn-you-to-pieces!
This is the type of war that will have you feeling that you don’t know if you’re coming or going. This type of war is designed by Satan to get you to curse your God! But it wants to wear you out, first! It wants to have you to a point where you are no longer getting sleep. And when you are sleeping, your mind is constantly going on and on and on about your problems. Then, anxiety begins to cleave to your soul as a friend.
When and if you ever come to this point in your life, just remember you can’t fight these type battles on your own. You will need something that’s stronger. Something designed and equipped to handle strong attacks from the enemy. Something that’s bigger than you!
In the book of Exodus, the children of Israel were so worn out from hunger and thirst due to their heavy travel to the promised land (Exodus 16:1-36; 17:1-13). They were going through a transition in their lives which they’d never gone through before. What seemed like a blessing on their way to the promised land was beginning to feel like a curse, for they perceived the Lord wanted to bring them out there to die (Exodus 16:3).
They experienced one trial after another, one dependency on the Lord after another. They hated this! Before they entered this area of their lives they were they were at least used to being fed, even though having to be in bondage to slavery in Egypt (Exodus 16:3). They were having a hard time adapting to this new change that had taken place. God was trying to release them from bondage, yet still, they struggled to see things this way.
The children of Israel came to point after going through experience after experience in the wilderness, they were exhausted, but it wasn’t by far time to give up now. There was an army of Amalekites that came up against them to war (Exodus 17:8). They had no choice but to fight against them if they wanted to survive and have any chance at entering the promised land.
But, as they were in heavy battle, Moses, at the top of a hill, lifted up his hands. As long as Moses’ hands stayed up in the air toward Heaven, the children of Israel were winning in the battle (Exodus 17:11). When Moses’ hands were lowered, their enemies began to win (Exodus 17:11).
The battle became so fierce that Moses had a hard time holding up his hands for a long period. He needed the assistance of some of the people in his corner as they helped to keep his hands in the air for as long as it took (Exodus 17:12)!
They won the war because their dependency became something that was beyond their own power. They were victorious in a battle that was bigger than them, something they couldn’t have generally handled on their own. They succeeded because Moses didn’t give up! Joshua didn't give up! The army of Israel didn't give up!
For the battles we are facing on today, or the ones to come, we must take note to keep our hands in the air toward God. Keep praising God no matter how your situation may appear. Don’t give up because it’s easier to do, but keep fighting through your obedience. As you are doing what the Lord instructs you to do, there will be forces fighting on our behalf to help you win! Our struggles may be big, but remember, the Lord, Almighty is even bigger!
You will succeed in this battle as long as you rely on what’s bigger than you. Keep your dependency on the Lord at all times and He will somehow, some way, pull-you-through!
For whoever has ears to hear, let them hear (Matthew 11:15).
Prayer: Father, I thank you for being bigger than I. I thank you for fighting on my behalf. Lord, in my weakness I ask that you would give me the strength to fight. Show forth your power in me and through me. I want to win so I ask that you would help me to keep my hands in the air for as long as I need to. Thank you, Lord, Jesus. In Your name, I pray. Amen!
Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been bugging you with their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas and he wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.
Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord may wait to speak to you throughout the day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.
Read Next Devotional: Blessings In Obedience
May the Lord bless your day abundantly!