Homeschooling 2 the Promised Land presents...
Sibling Rivalry & Ways to Combat Them the Right Way!
Oh, how I wish children to be brought into the world with complete instructions! But being that they're not, we are having to handle them the best we can and hope and pray things turn out right.
But, what happens when we reach little hiccups along the way and we learn that our teaching or our failure to teach them something is eyeing you right in the face? The wonderful thing is...we can try again!
Sometimes as moms, seeing our children fighting can really drain us. Day after day having to witness our children bickering back and forth, constantly, can have a dampening effect on our spirits!
Take it from me, whose household was a complete mess just not too long ago! I discuss ways parents can learn to connect with their children while helping them become fruitful in their relationships with their siblings.
In this e-book, I discuss ways to help parents remain sane enough while attempting to help their children when things don't necessarily work out as planned.
I share some inside tips that have worked for my very own household while providing biblical examples of sibling relationships that worked well as well as the ones that didn't!
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8 Ways to Combat Our Children's Fights & Why They're Important
Here's the second part! In my last e-Book, Sibling Rivalry and Ways To Combat Them The Right Way!, I listed in the end, 8 Ways to Combat Our Children's Fights. With this e-book, I elaborate on those 8 ways and why they are important when combating our children's brawls.
Sometimes it's not about treating our children the same, for they're each unique. But, helping our children to understand just how unique they are is key!
As we're helping our children to develop into who they will become, this breeds the confidence they need to function in relationships outside of themselves.
Inside of this e-book, I take parents in-depth, giving them answers to many prayers of how to succeed with helping children to become fruitful in their relationships with their siblings.
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Coming January 2017
From Unforgiveness to Recovery
A 21-Day Plan & Journal Toward Forgiveness
Inside this e-book, I provide a 21-day plan for those who are currently seeking escape outside of the loop of unforgiveness.
Oh my goodness have I had my share in this area as I dealt with this for years! One of the major problems I was having was learning how to forgive. I thought there was a whole lot to it, but it was more simple than I imagined.
From my dealings with others in my ministry, I have come to find that there are so many people who are experiencing this same madness and are also seeking ways to break free from the coils of the enemy's snare.
If this represents you as well, honey, listen...don't beat yourself up year after year like I did, thinking you forgave already, just to see the same issues in your heart towards the same person all over again! There most certainly is a way out of this on-going cycle.
And it's easier to come out of than you may think! Now, I cannot promise you this book will cause full deliverance from unforgiveness. But its whole design is to create for you a starting point so that you will obtain a roadmap for understanding what forgiveness looks like from the standpoint of Luke 6: 27-28.
"But to those of you who will listen, I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."
Now, I don't know about you, but this scripture is not all that easy to live by when dealing with people who have maliciously wronged you! So, I have created THE CHALLENGE! Are you up for it? What do you have to lose?
This plan includes a daily journal, daily planner, daily scriptures, as well as daily assignments all designed to bring your life back in order and functioning in the way God designed you to be!
I also provide my personal testimony of how the Lord began to provide healing for me in midst of the offenders who were not willing to help me heal from the pain when being confronted!
Click here to preview book.
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Coming April 2018
When God Speaks
How to Know His Voice
More information coming soon!...