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Daily "Manna" Devotions are daily biblically-inspired devotions to help you throughout your day.


I never believe in keeping good things all to myself, so I decided to share in hopes that others would be blessed just as the Lord used them to bless me! Whether you like to spend time with the Lord in the mornings or the evenings, they are available to be used at your convenience! 


Below is a description of my inspiration for creating a devotion time as well as this very devotion plan. For access to Daily "Manna" Devotions, click the tab.  

 Please be generous and share the devotionals with your friends and/or loved ones! 

Finding All Things Leading to Prayer


I can remember the days all too well. My mornings were all over the place and sooner or later, my whole day was the same way! It just seemed as if I couldn't quite get myself together. From helping the hubby gather all his belongings for work which he seemed to apparently lose every time he was headed out of the door, to helping the kiddos transition into their day. I was running, cleaning noses, wiping ear wax, cleaning up spills, and before you know it, exhausted before the morning was even over!


By lunchtime, I was mean and grumpy with everyone: the mailman who skipped my mailbox because my car was parked conveniently in front of it, my husband who didn't call me on his lunch break, and trust me...there was a list of many other silly things.


I would continue this pattern day after day after day. Every day brought forth something new for me to complain or be unhappy about. I couldn't understand why my days would go this way. I even began becoming mad with God. I felt like...I am a good person...I look out for people...and all I do is give, give, give!


"Lord, give me a break!" is what I said when I decided to have a talk with Him. Oh, and I was really having a pity party, too! I'm crying out,"why do bad things always happen to good people" and the only thing bad that was going on was that I wasn't having my way. Yes, I was terrible!


Hearing God in the Silence


After I'd gotten done fussing with the Lord, there was this silence that I hadn't experienced in quite a while. I vented and it felt really good to do it, too! But, what I'd began to notice was that my spirit became calm. As this happened, I sat there for a little while in the silence. It was good for me. Up until this time, my spirit on the inside had been raging from pouring so much into everyone else's needs, but my own. I needed restoration for my very soul.


Restoration of What is Lost


It was here when the Lord began speaking to me. He explained how important it was for me to spend quality time with Him. I'd began to see this image of food supply being stored in a warehouse. It was stocked from wall to wall on each shelf. Every day food would be taken from it, but nothing restored to replenish what was lost. It seemed as if no damage was done because after all, there was so much food!


Then I thought to myself, what happens when all the food is gone if it's not being replenished? The answer quickly came to me. Ah ha! You just go get some more. This is what I saw being done to my spirit. My spiritual food supply was depleted. I needed to do some refilling of those shelves, so to speak. 


The Light Bulb Moment: Understanding What He Means


This is why it is important for me to spend time with the Lord every day. Everything that has been depleted, I need to restock daily and not wait until everything is all gone! What happens in the case of emergency? What can I pull from in my spirit to help someone else in need? How can I help someone who's in crisis and there's no one else around to help them?


I can't. And, most likely, I won't. But still, what happens to the person who needs me? So now, here I am!



Through my love for the Lord and spending time in His presence, I have been inspired by Him during my times of prayer and solitude to attempt to create 365 devotionals to help others in their special time with the Lord. 

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