Homeschooling 2 the Promised Land presents...
God's Words in Midst of the Busyness
Reading Time: 3 mins. 45 secs.
Scripture Readings: Luke 10:38-42; Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Read Next Devotional: When God's Word Seems Obscure
Day 12: Published on January 6, 2017
Busy people, in the business sense, are known to get the job done when others may not. Being busy takes a lot of hard work and most people who are busy are praised for such. Those who function in this manner, tend to be great planners and goal achievers. Even as they are sleeping, their minds are constantly in fruition in the sense of how to make things work. They are very ambitious people!
Some of the most successful people on our planet today are the individuals who are very loyal and dedicated to their work. In fact, the Business Insider quotes “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” They further list 17 hard-working people whose work ethic paid off. Among the list, was Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook. It explains how dedicated he is as he is known for sending emails as early as 4:30 a.m., how he does business meetings on Sunday evenings to prepare for Monday’s work, and that he is the first to show up for work and the last one to leave.
Now that is some true dedication!
But what is often not discussed is about what happens behind the scenes of such busyness. What are we yet missing and what is God saying in midst of the busyness? In order to answer this question, I want to bring to your attention the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42). I will begin to paraphrase, but please be sure to read the scriptures.
Jesus was invited to the home of Mary and Martha. As He’s there, he ministers through His profound teaching. As Jesus teaches, Mary sits, laying at his feet and listening to Him. Martha, being the one who presumably owns the home, serves the guest as they’re there. In midst of her busyness, she becomes irritated of the fact that Mary sits, while she (Martha) works. So, she decided to bring Jesus’ attention toward the matter. In turn, Martha didn’t get the reply from Jesus she was looking for. He explained that in the midst of her anxieties of the things that don’t matter, Mary has chosen the thing that does!
A lot of times in our busyness, we can become succumbed to it. This was the whole meaning behind Jesus’ statement to Martha. While being hard-working, we must understand, that there must be a balance of stillness and rest, in order to hear God speak to us. Without this balance, our labor is for nothing!
So to answer the question earlier, what are we missing and what is God saying to us in midst of the busyness: Over-done hard work can begin to appear as a good thing, but become a mere distraction toward new priorities or opportunities that may suddenly arise. But when we fail to recognize these changes or shifts in our lives due to being stuck in the busyness, we begin to miss what God is doing.
What’s the point of paying attention to every detail of serving guest at your home, and yet having a bad attitude while they’re there? Wouldn’t you like your guest to be happy seeing that you’re happy? I would!
Mary, on the other hand, took the time to grab hold of wisdom and knowledge, and most importantly, the anointing! She was very wise to do this. Let’s think about it: what is more important when achieving a task, doing it through dedicated, on-going hard work or using wisdom with how to accomplish it? Dedicated, on-going hard work can eventually wear you out, whereas wisdom, causes you to take the best and easiest route, while still holding on to your energy!
So, have you found yourself being too busy and becoming stuck? If so, what is stopping you from taking the time to be still, just for a moment, to hear what God is saying to you in your current season?
Prayer: Lord God, I submit my busyness to you in Jesus’ name. I ask that you would forgive me for working, working, working without taking rest. Lord, I pray that you would help me to have a healthy balance between my toil and labor and rest. Lord, I ask that you would reveal to me what you need me to know in this season of my life. How do I need to proceed? I thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been bugging you with their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time, the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas and he wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.
Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord will wait to speak to you throughout your day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.
Read Next Devotional: When God's Word Seems Obscure
May the Lord bless your day abundantly!