Homeschooling 2 the Promised Land presents...
It’s In the Small Details
Reading Time: 2 mins. 46 secs.
Scripture readings:
2 Kings 5:1-15a
Read Next Devotional: Our Alone Time with Him
Day 2: Published: November 13, 2016
How often have we looked at pictures only paying attention to what is obvious? Seeing the girl with the pink sweater who’s digging up her nose while standing on the porch of an old home, or the old man in the back cuddled with who looks to be his grandson as they both swing on the old porch swing. These are the most obvious things we will see when looking at this picture I just painted in your mind.
But, paying attention to those tiny, little details that make a picture mean much more than just a picture is what sets the whole image off. Just like the flower about to bloom at the bottom of the rugged, front porch stairway, the old paint can lying on its side filled with rocks from the dirt road that the children were playing with, and what about the door post which reads, “Welcome to Our Humble Abode” with the “H” missing off of the word Humble? This is where you would begin to see the details of what the family in the picture must be like. Just in the small particulars that we may often miss!
How often do we miss those tiny, little details of what the Lord shows and tells us? You know, when you have those gut feelings literally telling you, “Don’t you eat too much.” Then you don’t listen, and you end up feeling sick for a few hours. Now, you have to cancel important events or meetings because of it. Or, what about the Lord showing us to take another route to our destination because there may be a car accident coming shortly? But we’re, once again, not listening and taking our desired route, becoming the very one involved in the accident!
Sometimes, the message the Lord has for us can come in those small details. You know, when your son looks at you and tells you, "You need to relax a little." And, he’s only 4! Maybe you do need to relax. But will you listen to him? Remember Naaman in the book of 2 Kings? He almost missed his healing due to not wanting to listen to those small details. In the end, he chose to follow the Word of the Lord through the mouth of the Lord's prophet no matter how strange the details were for him to get cleansed from leprosy (2 Kings 5:10-14).
Are there any small details the Lord may be showing you? It may be some small detail letting you know how much he loves and cares for you. But whatever it may be, please be careful not to miss it!
Prayer: Lord, I thank you for sending messages through those small details. I ask that you would help me to not miss anything you have to say even if it’s something small. I pray that you would help me to be obedient to your Word. Lord, I thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been nagging you about their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time, the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas. He wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.
Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord may wait to speak to you throughout the day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.
Read Next Devotional: Our Alone Time with Him
May the Lord bless your day abundantly!
Answer: A large black and white dog