Homeschooling 2 the Promised Land presents...
Seeing Through Their Eyes
Reading Time: 4 mins. 26 secs.
Scripture Readings:
Matthew 5:16; Luke 1: 41-56; Psalm 106:34-36; Joshua 23:12-13; Acts 15: 36-41; Genesis 13:5-12.
Read Next Devotional: The Best Version of You!
Day 6: Published on November 28, 2016
The people we have rolling with us in our “inner circle”, we must be sure there is a purpose. Why? Because each person in your life will automatically fall into two categories: The ones who like to support you and what you are for and ones who don't care about you and what you are trying to achieve in life. We must all be careful of the ones in the second category. In the non-supporters category, there may contain individuals who have a purpose and agenda to destroy or hinder the very work you are attempting to do (Nehemiah 4:1-2)!
In the book of Nehemiah, Sanballat and Tobiah were the very ones who fought earnestly against the work of God to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem. Just as they began accomplishing something, the enemy came to taunt, confuse, and weaken their hands that they wouldn't want to keep moving forward, but stop the very work of progress. This is what happens to us at times when people who are envious and jealous of what God is doing in us. They want you to fail, so they will begin to work against you. They can begin to pray against you, spread lies so that others wouldn't like you, distract you, and find all kinds of creative ways to stop you, so beware! They can even attempt to achieve this without our knowing!
Ask yourself three questions: Is your purpose to be a light toward that person (Matthew 5:16)? Does the individual encourage your spirit in any way? And, last but not least, does this person drive you to do better as they strengthen you in your endeavors? Sometimes, an individual's very presence can cause you to become invigorated (Luke 1: 41-56). This is a true sign that they are for you!
If the answer is no to any one of these questions, then the person whom you are hanging around most likely serves no good purpose and a separation may need to occur.
I've gotten so used to asking those three questions now that I immediately ask myself these as soon as new relationships begin in my life. I've had friendships a many. One of the many things I’ve learned is that not all of them were designed to stay forever! Sometimes, they were there for certain seasons as they each would serve a particular purpose in those times. Once the season began coming to an end, I immediately knew it!
When you begin to see that the friendship becomes more of a burden than a blessing, this is an ultimate sign letting you know you need to part ways. When forcing relationships in this manner, they can become toxic and we can begin seeing life through their eyes.
What this means is that you are no longer being of good influence, but they are influencing you! We can begin picking up their way of doing things, their ideologies, their mindset (Psalm 106:34-36). When this happens, you are no longer who you are, but them! You now have their spirit (Joshua 23:12-13). This is the case in some worse situations, and trust me, I've seen this too many times!
There are numerous stories in the Bible where relationships had to come to an end due to the very things I spoke about. One relationship that truly stands out concerning this is the relationship between Paul and Barnabas. They were hanging buddies for a while until their purpose began to contradict each other (Acts 15:36-41).
They didn’t start off that way, though. They were on one accord for the longest time doing a mighty work for the Lord! But even this relationship had to come to an end at some point. Familial relationships are no exemption! This brings to mind the relationship of Abraham and his nephew, Lot.
Lot was very selfish and controlling toward his Uncle Abraham (Genesis 13:5-12). A lot of times we hold true in our hearts that “family is bond”. But, what happens when the bonding relationship is severed due to life’s circumstances? The relationship becomes strained! Especially when pride gets in the way and nothing is being done to fix the strained area.
The thing is, some of us need to let go of situations or certain people in our lives who are holding us back from the promises that the Lord wants to bestow upon us. He can't do it unless we let go! The blessing Abraham anticipated did not come until he got rid of what was holding him back...a LOT (his nephew)!
My new saying for today is “Our relationship with the Lord is ALWAYS bond!” This is one relationship you can be sure of. Sure, it’s okay to hold close the relationships currently in your life that are strong. But be sure that as you do, your strength lies in the Lord as you trust God for those relationships!
Prayer: Lord, I want to thank you for the relationships in my life, new and old. I look to you and ask that you would bless them. Also, I ask that you would help me to know when and if the time may come to separate. Help me to be obedient, even when it’s the hardest to do. Lord, I thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been bugging you with their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas and he wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.
Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord may wait to speak to you throughout the day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.
Read Next Devotional: The Best Version of You!
May the Lord bless your day abundantly!