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The Plan

Reading Time: 4 mins. 36 secs.

Scripture Readings:                                                      

Luke 22:31-32


Day 11: Published on December 10, 2016



Do you feel tired, drained, or worn out to the point it feels as if you were physically in a fight? If you don’t feel this way right now, have there ever been a time you’ve felt this way?




Well, I have, and I’ve experienced this sometimes more often than I probably should have. In the beginning, I was feeling that what was causing this extreme burn-out were the things around me: things like work, homeschooling the kids, financial stresses, and some of the everyday burdens that we may tend to feel worn out about.




But, what was starting to feel strange was that I began to lose interest in a lot of the things I enjoyed most. My happiness level began to decrease more and more. After a while, I realized that this behavior wasn’t normal at all. I had no reason to feel depressed. The things I thought were stressing me when I really sat and thought about them, it just didn’t make sense.




Something was going on and I was determined to get to the bottom of it! After all, that’s what I do best, investigate my surroundings and the things going on in my life. This helps me keep a healthy balance and to stay on top of things, at least most of the time.




In my devotion time with the Lord, He began to minister to me about what was going on. During His ministering, I began to think of the story of Peter where Jesus explained to him that Satan desires to have him and to sift him as wheat (Luke 22:31).




Now, I want to take a minute to dwell on the process of sifting wheat in order to help with understanding Jesus' statement to Peter. Due to the awesome evolution of technology, sifting wheat has been made so much simpler to do nowadays. But back then, the process was done by hand and it was such a slow, tedious project for one to have to handle. 




So, Jesus’ message to Peter simply put was that ‘Satan has a deceptive hold on you and he wants to underhandedly get you by grabbing hold of you slowly.’ Now, we know from the scriptures that Peter was already a believer of God’s word, but yet, the Lord warns him of being sifted.




This is what Satan desires to do to us as well, sift us slowly but surely that we don’t even notice it’s been done. This is the plan he has for us. He will create chaos in our lives that we don’t even know is coming.




But what’s important to note here, are those secret attacks from the enemy that has us not knowing if we’re coming or going. When everything physically seems to be intact, but spiritually he is wearing us out to-the-bone! It’s hard to sleep, focus on important tasks, or do anything to the best of our ability. These attacks are so hard to recognize and you won’t be able to unless you are spending time with the Lord.




During one of these seasons of my life, I was letting it get the best of me. I mean, it had me to a point of wanting to leave my wonderful husband. And, if you knew this man of God, you would know something wasn’t right with me, for he is such a sweetheart and he works hard to take care of his family. I was feeling as if he wasn’t enough, he wasn’t doing enough, and he just wasn’t the man for me.




I mean, Satan gave me all kinds of lies to blame on him. If it had not been for the Lord showing me who my real enemy was, my marriage would’ve ended in divorce. I am not joking! I know I love my husband dearly, but yet, the enemy still found a way to make an entrance. Slowly!




But, this makes me wonder how many other wives have felt the way I did and gave up? How many husbands have cheated on their wives or simply left because of the lies Satan was dangling in their faces?




Satan may have done this same thing to you in certain areas of your life. Just know, if you sit down and sup with your Heavenly Father, He will help you decide what’s best. Let Him help you make the decisions that are hard for you to do in these seasons. God is able to put things into perfect perspective, seeing from His view! This is all it takes.



The only reasons that Satan decides to attack you in this way, are that he sees something on the inside of you that you haven’t even come to the knowledge of. He knows what’s inside of you is greater than anything he could ever throw at you! He knows that you are a force to be reckoned with at your full potential and he doesn’t like it one bit.




So, he decides to stop you before getting there! If he can stop you before you have a chance to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, he wins! This is the plan.




Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for your revelations which are able to keep me in times I need it most. I thank you for loving me enough to warn me about the plans of my real enemy. I ask that you would strengthen me in my times of prayer and solitude. Lord, allow my times with you to be something I look forward to every single day! In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!




Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been bugging you with their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas and he wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.




Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord may wait to speak to you throughout the day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.



May the Lord bless your day abundantly!

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