Homeschooling 2 the Promised Land presents...
Here is everything you need to start you off with a great morning or suffice your afternoon or evening just right! I am on a journey to create 365 devotionals to help you each day. If all links are not available, please be patient as they will be updated daily. If this is your first time using this, it is best to start at Day One. Just click on the link and you are ready to go! Have a blessed day in the Lord! All day!
The Harsh Refining Process
Something I know has left an imprint on my heart is seeing...
It’s In the Small Details
How often have we looked at pictures only paying atten...
Our Alone Time with Him
A while back, I had this friend who hated the idea of ...
Seed Bearing Seed of Itself
Our kids love it when we take them to the corn maze far...
When Plans Fail
First of all, plans don’t fail. I want to get this idea out of y...
Seeing Through Their Eyes
I’m not sure if many would remember. But, there was a s...
The Best Version of You!
How would you like others to view you? Have you ever as...
Blind Spots
When I looked up the words “blind spot” there were 3...
Bigger Than You
I am often reminded of the bible story of David and Golia...
Blessings In Obedience
Have you been listening to the voice of the Lord? Are you...
The Plan
Do you feel tired, drained, or worn out to the point it feels...
God's Words in Midst of the Busyness
Busy people in the business world are known to get the...
When God's Word Seems Obscure
I am truly a seeker for the things of God. I had been through...
The Tainted Heart
But today, our spiritual senses are being darkened as many of us are becoming dull to the conviction...
Called Yet fLaWeD
Just when you thought you met destiny, something comes along and disrupts your plans...
Being Easily Broken
Let God break us and life humble us...
Having a Good Focal Point
But sometimes, as Christians we tend to see our problems this way and feel that this is the way we should view life by focusing on the "wilted flower" in our lives, so to speak...
When Grief Steals the Show!
I don't know about you, but if you are dealing with grief on today in some form: the loss of a job, child, parent, home, relationship, or whatever it may be, you can come out on top of that loss!...
When Grief Steals the Show!
I don't know about you, but if you are dealing with grief on today in some form: the loss of a job, child, parent, home, relationship, or whatever it may be, you can come out on top of that loss!...
When Grief Steals the Show!
I don't know about you, but if you are dealing with grief on today in some form: the loss of a job, child, parent, home, relationship, or whatever it may be, you can come out on top of that loss!...
A War of Triumph!
Picture you and that one main enemy fighting on a battlefield after you and the soldiers around you have already killed many others...
Nothing Can Separate You!
God sees and He most definitely fathoms your pain and uncertainties. Just because you may experience hard trials and become confused and intimidated by them, this doesn't mean that the Lord doesn't experience your pain with you. He does! And He sees every single bit of it! He loves you!...
Changing the Face of Your Generation
God designed Joseph to be different than what the generations in his family had experienced. At first, his life didn't seem different at all: he was a part of a blended family situation as in other parts of his generation, he was a younger brother who was loved more than his older siblings as in previous generations. So for a while, things seemed to look the same...
Come Out From Among Them
What I plead with you to understand is that the Lord wants to set you apart for His purpose. In fact, He has already begun to do so. If you were to look around at your life and begin to examine the many changes which have transpired within you and your environment, you will be able to see how God...
Reassuring Purpose
When God has called us to something, it doesn’t mean we are always going to be the greatest, the most qualified, and the best candidate in man’s eyes. This just means you are the right candidate in His eyes. He chooses you when you feel the most uncertain about yourself or your abilities because this is His opportunity to manifest His power in your life...
Prayers to Hinder You!
Not everyone who says they have your back really does. And, it is important to understand the tactics behind their doings. They will appear as concerned about your well-being, they even pray prayers concerning you, your walk with Christ, and your destiny. But, their prayers are tainted. Their heart's intention is anything but for you. They mean you harm and not good...