Homeschooling 2 the Promised Land presents...
The Harsh Refining Process
Reading Time: 2 mins. 55 secs.
Scripture Readings:
Acts 9:1-19; Zechariah 13:9; Job 23:10
Read Next Devotional: It’s In the Small Details
Day 1: Published: November 13, 2016
Something I know has left an imprint on my heart is seeing how sometimes I have a harder time adjusting when life is made simpler for me. When this happens I ask myself, is it really meant for us to be in our comfort zone all of the time?
I mean, think about it. Being in our comfort zone makes us relax more. We are no longer on our game, so to speak. No more being a watchman on the wall. What’s driving us to move forward? To press on further?
Sure, our comfort zone provides us some time to recoup, recap, and recharge, but is it our comfort zone that brings out the best in us? No, it is not!
Most psychologists’ goal is to help clients find their comfort zone in times of turmoil and frustration. And I agree in most cases because dealing with constant stress on the body can cause so many harmful and unwanted diseases.
But, what if God wants us to linger a little while in our discomfort ability? Yes, He can have us there a little while more than we really want to be. Even when we cry out to Him, He hears our every cry. But sometimes, He wants to work something in us beyond our imagine. He knows what it will take to get us to that next level. And one thing I know for sure, If the Lord allows hard trials in our lives, He will provide us the strength to get through them!
Sometimes, we have too much of “Us” in the way! And, when we come to a point of death where our will is no longer at the forefront, this is when He releases us. He sits back and says, “Now they’re ready to do My will.” He takes His jobs for us very seriously because He loves His people and whomever He could use to get His job accomplished is whom He will choose.
He wants to use that person who had a completely different agenda than what He had in mind for them. Oh yes, if you are that person who was ready and born to do what “thus saith the Lord”, hold on because your days of testing will come! Look at Saul, (who later had his name changed to Paul) he was used so mightily by God, even though his original plan was to persecute the Churches of God (Acts 8:3)! He even approved the killing of the devout Christian, Stephen (Acts 8:1)! The Lord wants us all to become like pure gold after it’s been tried in the fire (Zechariah 13:9). So we are to go through that process of separation until our impurities are eliminated.
Some of us may take a bit longer than others. But once completed, rest assured, pure gold will develop out of that harsh refining process (Job 23:10)!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the refining process that you provide. I ask that you would minister to me any blinded areas where you have been refining me and I was too busy holding on to my will. Lord, help me to have patience while in this process. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been nagging you about their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time, the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas. He wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.
Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord may wait to speak to you throughout the day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.
Read Next Devotional: It’s In the Small Details
May the Lord bless your day abundantly!