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When Plans Fail

Reading Time: 3 mins. 0 secs.

Scripture Readings: Job 1:1-22; 42:12-17

Read Next Devotional: Seeing Through Their Eyes                                                 

Day 5: Published on November 27, 2016



First of all, plans don’t fail. I want to get this idea out of your mind. A lot of times we see our plans as failing because for whatever reasons they may become unsuccessful. But, even when not achieving goals we’ve sought out to do and things not quite working in our favor, this doesn’t mean we’ve failed. Our attempts at our plans may fail, but it is best to look at our path to our plan, as changing!




Plans change not fail!




Job had a very abundant life! He had seven sons, three daughters, plus a large quantity of livestock and servants. He was doing pretty darn well. I’m sure he knew it, too! Out of all of his possessions, the thing he loved most, outside of God, was his children. He would often pray to the Lord for his children, asking Him to purify them just in case they’ve sinned against the Lord in their hearts.



But, through all of Job’s faithfulness even on behalf of his children, they were taken away, just…like…that!




No more praying on their behalf. No more visiting them. No more anything concerning his relationship with his children. They were gone now. I’m sure Job didn’t see that coming. And, he probably saw himself praying on their behalf for the rest of HIS life!




He didn’t know that his last prayer for them would be his last.  He didn’t know the last time he'd saw or spoken with them would be his last, either. But, in a matter of one day, they were all gone!




Because he didn’t know.




I bet had he’d known, things would have been different for Job. Job’s prayers may have been different. He may have visited them more. But, what happens when things go wrong? And, you didn’t know things would be the way they are? The plans you currently had, what can you do with them when they no longer exist?




You can start over! Change your plans and create something new!




Sometimes this process may take a bit long, but you can change your plans no matter what you initially set out to do! It is not the end! Whether it is a relationship that didn’t work out the way you saw it working out, or the promise of a dream home, job, or venture…You Can Begin to Change Your Plans, right now!




After everything was done to Job, I am so glad he didn’t give up in midst of feeling like his plans had failed! Had he given up, he wouldn’t have ever experienced the new changes toward his plan. He was blessed with twice as much as he had before! And, you can be, too!




Remember, plans change not fail! Our failures aren’t failures at all. They are only experiences to help us gain double for our trouble the next time!




Prayer: Lord, I want to thank you for being who you are! Full of more wisdom than I can imagine, you are still working things out even when I don’t understand. Lord, help me not get stuck when it’s time to change the course of my plans. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!




Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been bugging you with their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas and he wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.




Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord may wait to speak to you throughout the day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.


Read Next Devotional: Seeing Through Their Eyes    


May the Lord bless your day abundantly!

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