Give us this day our “Daily Bread Lessons!” The Relaxed Homeschoolers Way.
As a homeschool mom you want all of your schooling days to go as planned: wake up early, grab a cup of coffee, get some devotion time in, and you’re off with starting your normally scheduled day, work gets done, the little people you have to teach understand everything you've taught them the day before...and verbatim! And!... There are no problems understanding any math facts, grammar usage, spelling...You know, the normal stuff that we all want, right? But, the idea I had of homeschooling just as that picture of the perfect day doesn’t really seem to fit us. No matter how hard I try, unfortunately. For starters, I am caffeine sensitive, even though I love, love, love coffee! I will not have the pleasure of drinking and enjoying it!
But, what I did notice that I didn’t do during those moments of my days (curving in the wrong direction) was that I didn’t take the time to pay attention to what was working out for us. On the days we were more relaxed doing our schooling more casually, my children were happier and so was I. They even had higher scores on their work! So in other words, we may not have gotten all 4 or 5 of our subjects done those days, but the 1 or 2 we did do was more accurate and they were happy!
{Clearing throat} Did you hear me? THEY WERE HAPPY!!!
Once I began to see this pattern that we were really getting more done with the little we did do, I prayed to see if this would be the direction the Lord wanted us to go permanently. And the Lord did answer me, quickly! The following week, I attempted to prepare all of their lessons the old way (yes, guilt ended up taking over). Using my online planner with , assigning lessons to each of my 3 boys for the week, I couldn’t seem to do it! I was very weak, it felt as if my muscles had no oxygen. All I really felt like doing that day was sitting down, but it hurt even to do that! We had no choice but to have a more relaxed day and that turned out to becoming a relaxed week. I later found out I had the flu, by the way. Yes, and I almost never get sick. I don’t think I’d been sick in the last 4 years before then.
What I did was plan their lessons daily. I prayed and asked the Lord what He wanted them to learn for that day and everything else was a wrap! Up until that time, I don’t recall ever praying to God daily for our lesson plan. I mean, the Bible says “give us this day our daily bread," right? Not lessons!!! Wait...or does it???
It was not at all easy waiting for the Lord to supply our “daily bread lessons”, at least not on those days. I was sick and antsy at the same time and the two just didn’t mix together. I needed work to be done. As the Lord showed me what to do for each day, we did them, but there were other little surprises in there as well.
One of my children did not like the change all too well. I mean, once we began to homeschool this way every day (even after feeling well) he liked some things, but not all of them. When I wanted to start at a later time, he hated that! So, I’d let him get started on…what he thought we were gonna work on for that day. He saw he ended up doing way more work. But, in the end because I let him be a man and make the decision himself, he ended up realizing on his own he should’ve just waited. He learned on that day waiting on the Lord isn’t easy, but it sure is worth the wait! That is just one of the examples of the many life lessons we’ve learned once we began homeschooling in a relaxed way using our new daily bread lessons.
How easy/hard is it for you to do this? Are you able to trust the Lord to supply your every need concerning homeschool?
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