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Relax, Recoup, and Revisit!

Hi guys! How are you all? I am not just asking just to be doing so like we see some people do. I really care about you and your well being. So, by all means, feel free to shoot me an email so that we could chat. I promise, I don't bite!

I hope you all have been receiving my behind-the-scenes emails where I have been sending you some of my older Daily "Manna" Devotions I've written. I just needed a break from writing them, ya know?

Besides, what the Lord has shown me is that sometimes it's important to revisit messages you've previously read/written/heard. Now, this is the case with anything the Lord shows us, not just my Daily "Manna" Devotions. Sometimes, looking for a new Word from the Lord can be exhausting and we may begin wondering why the Lord hasn't responded to our questions. Our answers we seek may be inside of what He'd previously spoken and we need to be reminded once again.

So, this is one of the reasons I've decided to send some of my previous devotions, to remind us of some of the things we may have forgotten throughout the busyness of our lives.

Another reason, I am exhausted...Sister girl needs a break if you know what I mean!

It's funny because, one day, I tried to write a devotion and none of it made sense...LOL! I am actually laughing as I am writing this. I wish you could've seen it. This was hilarious to me! I was so busy making sure that I didn't shortchange you all while forgetting about taking care of the needs of my own. This is a huge no no!


Have you ever done that before? You knew you needed rest, but you still tried to be there for everyone else and it's supposed to be your day off, vacation, time away, etc.?


I know for me, this shows signs of some weak areas I need to strengthen. I should never attempt to help or aid people because I feel that they NEED me. It is never me that they need, but God! What I have to offer comes from Him. If I am not taking the time to relax and recoup from helping people in the times allotted, how will I continue to function and help others in the future? Will I be successful? Most likely not! I would probably be on a path to burnout lane.

So, I take this time to extend to you my previous writings of devotionals. This will only be temporary. I pray it is useful to you and that you would be strengthened and encouraged in your endeavors in the Lord.

XOXOXO to all,

Lynn Palmer

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