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Daily Manna Devotion Post Update.

Hello to all (my subscribers and those who are just visiting)! I just wanted to write a post in reference to the daily manna devotions and why there are gaps in between postings. But first, I want to provide you with a tad bit of history on this.

When I first set out to create the daily manna devotions, I wasn't going to post them at all until I accumulated a whole year's worth of them. But after a while, I realized how unwise this would've been.

First, I needed to be sure that my motive for doing them was pure. I didn't want to be posting them to show off any biblical, writing, and/or whatever skills I may have thought I had and to flaunt them around like I see on some christian blogs.

How many of you understand that sometimes we may think we have the right motive when setting out to do something, but subconsciously have a hidden agenda? For instance, needing to feel good about yourself, wanting recognition, or to fit in with the "in" crowd (all PRIDE motives).

So I prayed that the Lord would show me if anything was inside my heart of this fashion before I'd began to write them. Next, once I thought about not posting them until later, that's when it dawned on me. How many people may be needing the exact words I have to say? And what happens if I don't post them and someone needs the encouragement just to get them through the day? So, this is what aided the decision to post them right away!

I do not want to hold back on whatever the Lord may need to use to touch the heart of His people. If God sees fit to use me, then sobeit!

So with this decision of posting the devotions as I receive them from the spirit of God, there are going to be times when days are missed! But rest assured, there is a good reason for doing so.

For those who may not understand my personality as of yet, let me let you in on a secret: I am very shy! When I tell people this (even ones I've just met) they never believe me because I am such an outgoing person. But yes, I am shy and I don't really like to speak much. I'd rather sit and hear other people talk than to hear myself. I guess this may be why I am in the ministry field I am in.

Because of my personality, that that I do speak, I mean for it to have impact. In other words, if I don't have anything to say, I will not be speaking.

This is the case with my blog and my YouTube channel. So for those who follow me on here or YouTube, it is best to become a subscriber to stay up-to-date with me than to keep visiting my sites and waiting for a post.

When you subscribe, you will automatically receive an update on any post I make. Otherwise, It may at times become tedious to wait for my postings as there is no set time for me to post on my blog or YouTube. I post when I feel the need to share something meaningful. You will almost never see anything outside of this!

With all of this being said, when the Lord places a devotion message on my heart, I share! I will continue to do this at least until I've accumulated 365 devotionals. And I am doing this, not only for you, but for the many others that will come thereafter.

I apologize if these devotions are something you need consistently every day as they are advertised to be (daily). I am also working on several other projects at a time as I am in MOMinistry (Mom in ministry for the Lord). So bear with me as I build this blog to where it needs to be.

But in the mean time, I challenge you to spend time with the Lord on your own. Make a habit of setting a good devotion time with the Lord everyday. You can also read a snippet of my new ebook: From Unforgiveness to Recovery, Bless Them and Curse Not! A 21-day Plan & Journal Toward Forgiveness where I provide tips on how to spend time with the Lord and how to hear from Him.

Also, you are always welcome to email and keep in touch with me. Let me know of your progress in the Lord, share your concerns...shucks, I want to rejoice with you in your good times, and cry and pray with you when times are not as good.

Keep me up-to-date with you!

"In the eyes of God, you mean so much to Him and He loves you no matter what!"

Your Friend and Servant in Christ,

Lynn Palmer

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