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What it Means to be Proud of Your Children.

You will see me use both genders coherently.


If you ask most dads what they are most proud of when it comes to their children, you may hear typical responses along the lines of this:

"I am proud that my child's a good baseball player."

"I am proud that my child makes good grades."

"I am proud that my child won in a tournament."

These are wonderful things to be very proud of your son or daughter for. I mean, children often need affirmation from their parents letting them know they mean something in life; they have a purpose here on earth.

But, what if your child never played a sport?

What if they never won a medal?

What if your child is not the brightest and she is actually the one most behind in your homeschool?

What if we had nothing externally to be proud of concerning our children? What would we tell them then?

Here is where, I believe, we need to get a bit more involved with our kiddos. We need to go a bit deeper!

I know, most of us dread going deep. But, what if I told you your child's life depends on it?

Being able to provide your child affirmation just because of who he is is so crucial to his quality of life! It helps him grow into who he will one day begin to see himself as.

So saying to him things such as:

"I am proud of you because even though you are not achieving the grades you would like, I can see it bothers you enough to work harder! You are doing that. Even though you cannot see the fruit of what you planted right at this time. It will come up soon. You are such a good fighter and I admire you for that!"

As parents we have to think: what can we SEE in midst of what we CAN'T SEE happening? We have to be able to pull from our hearts in order to pour into our little one's heart.

They need us.

Okay, I realize this doesn't come as easy to some parents when they never had it done to them before by their parents.

But think about what you would want someone to say to you. Even adults need reassurance.

I believe when we dig deeper into our child's little love bucket frequently, this can cause one less teen pregnancy, drug user, suicide, etc.

I believe you understand my drift here.

So I pose you with this question, what are you most proud of your child for today?


You were designed and created to be a world-changer, whether for one individual, several, or an entire world. Your life is a book and the pages of your life are being added daily, so be the difference someone wants to open and read!"

-Lynn Palmer

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