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Reassuring Purpose

Reading Time: 4 mins. 54 secs.

Scripture Readings: Judges 6:11-40

Read the Last Devotional: Come Out From Among Them.

Day 23

It’s so easy when being on the mountaintop. And by mountaintop, I am referring to those times when things are going good for us, those moments when we are feeling confident of who we are, the times when we feel and are being most supported. These are our “up” moments.

Our mountaintops are awesome because they give us an air that we understand our lives better. We begin to understand our purpose more clearly when the people who support us understand us. We are more self-assured, easy-going, and compliant as long as things go according to plan.

But what happens when those we have around us don’t understand us due to flaws that they see present? What happens when we don’t understand ourselves anymore, when we begin to lose sight of our purpose and are needing some assurance of it all over again? What can we do in those moments?

Hold that thought…I will explain this in a moment.

What I feel is pertinent to discuss here is why these moments happen in the first place. It happens to the best of us! What we need to understand is… all things work together for our good.

Not some, but All of it. This means the good, the bad, and the ugly. So this includes any insecurities we have, our shortcomings, our lack in certain areas, or whatever discrepancies that may be present.

When God has called us to something, it doesn’t mean we are always going to be the greatest, the most qualified, and the best candidate in man’s eyes. This just means you are the right candidate in His eyes. He chooses you when you feel the most uncertain about yourself or your abilities because this is His opportunity to manifest His power in your life!

So in our moments of needing reassurance in our motherhood, our careers, and in ourselves altogether, these are the times we ought to use those vulnerabilities in our petition to the Lord.

“Lord, I know you’ve called me to teach my children, but I don’t feel I am the right fit for this job.”

“Lord, I know you’ve told me to step out and write this book, but I am making so many mistakes.”

“Lord, I know you have called me to reach nations of people, but I am afraid.”

When we are honest about where we are in our hearts, God can work a great work in us that’s beyond our imagination. Remember, we are limited in what we can do, but God isn’t!

In the book of Judges the 6th chapter, we meet a guy by the name of Gideon. Gideon comes from a family that was not known to be the most strong. But yet, the Lord wanted him to deliver the children of Israel from such a mighty group of people. These people were known as the Midianites, and they were much more powerful than all of Gideon’s family put together. But, they weren’t nearly as powerful as God!

Gideon, acknowledging his inadequacies to the Lord, began to ask the Lord for assurance. Once the Lord began to show Gideon that He was with him as He said he would be, Gideon needed even more assurance just to be clear.

God was not upset with Gideon for needing reassurance of His promise even though he needed this more than once. God simply understood why he needed it in the first place, and this is why He provided the signs Gideon needed to see in order for him to understand the power of God in his life. It wasn’t that Gideon denied God’s power at all, it was only a need of clarification for God’s power in HIS life. And God showed up every time, faithfully, as He promised!

Just as Gideon, we are to take our insecurities before the Lord. We should never hide them. Being honest about where we stand is giving the Lord the opportunity to make us stronger in our weakness. If we need assurance of God’s plan for us, just ask! He will not chew you out because you’re getting on His nerves for asking Him more than once or ten times. God understands.

In fact, the Lord is already prepared for you needing His assurance that He is always willing and ready to provide this for you. All throughout the Bible He was always repeating His purpose for individuals. Look at how many times He reassured the children of Israel of the Promised Land. It was at least 170 times! That means, the Lord reaffirmed His promise over a span of years and decades! He never got tired of it. He just simply spoke it over and over again. Talk about a broken record!

Have you been a little nervous about wearying the Lord with the need of His reassurance? Just know that the promises that He gives are always satisfaction guaranteed!

So go ahead and try it today, ask the Lord another time what it is you need reassurance of. I can promise you He won’t bite!

Prayer (For those who understand their purpose): Lord, thank you for assuring me of knowing who I am, what you are calling me to do, and all the plans you have for my life. I ask that in the times I need it most, you will provide reassurance. Help me to not feel that I am worrying You, but establish me in my relationship with You so that I would understand your ways more clearly. Thank you in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!

Prayer (For those who don’t quite understand their purpose): Lord, I ask that you would help me to understand who I am, what you are calling me to do, and every plan you have for my life. Help me to learn from the experiences I gain while on this journey. Help me to grow continuously and that I would receive an overflow in my life of your goodness. Thank you in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!

Quiet time meditation: Wait for the Lord to minister to you personally on what He may want to say to you. Be sure to pay attention to any areas that may pop up in your spirit (even silly things such as: how quick you may be to get angry with things or a friend or family member who has been bugging you with their problems.) This process could take anywhere from 10-30 minutes or longer. But, try not to rush this because you could be missing out on a great breakthrough. Within this quiet time, the Lord wants to restore you in any broken areas and he wants to replenish your spirit for what has been used up.

Understanding what He means: This is a time to jot down some of those things the Lord has ministered to you while in meditation. Sometimes, the Lord will wait to speak to you throughout your day. Pay attention and jot these things down so that you won’t forget. You may even come up with more scriptures that may come to mind.

Read Next Devotional: To Be Determined...

May the Lord bless your day abundantly!

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