What Were You Put Here to do?
I felt the need to say this on today. I felt it just needed to be said. There are too many wonderful people leaving this earth with their work unfinished.
Let me explain...no, no one around me has died nor did I read an article or anything showing of anyone's death. I just felt the need to say this because I care about you all.
I have the most wonderful bunch of subscribers, I must say. I love each and every one of you. You, are one of the reasons I write as much as I do and have become as passionate as I have over the last year to write to you because of it.
Some of you, I do not know personally. But I do know this one thing about you, YOU matter! And for this reason, I say this from the bottom crevices of my little ole heart.
I want to pose you all with these 3 questions in mind, and be sure not to take this passively. PLEASE!
If today was your last day on earth, would you feel you have done enough?
If today was your last day on earth, would you feel you have made a difference in the world?
If today was your last day on earth, would you feel you have made an imprint so deep within the heart of people, that it would be enough to carry forth your vision after you're gone?
Now, I know for some of you you may easily feel that the answer to these questions will be "no" for everyone and that it should be. But truthfully, we all should be able to answer "yes."
The reason for this is because many of us lose sight of living life as if it is our last day on earth. We feel that tomorrow will always be ready for us, so we are not as watchful of how we treat people, how we talk to them, and for some of us, how we may look down upon them.
But, what if we were to find out that our purpose for being here was to make a change somehow on this earth in someone's life?
Some of the changes we make, for some of us, may be smaller or maybe even more grande than others, but we all still have a purpose that is important for us to carry out. And, this can go beyond our own household!
Now, I am not going to get all churchy on you and tell you that we are all being called to pastor, evangelize, or preach God's word in any capacity, but some of us are called into much more unique roles.
Are you a world changer such as Steve Jobs, who created the Iphone? Or the next John Phillip Sousa, who changed the face of marching bands? Or maybe you are the next Wright brothers, who changed the way we travel today?
You could be someone who creates something totally different, or someone who enhances what's already been created.
Teacher? Registered Nurse? Janitor? Comedian? Cafeteria worker? Well, be the best darn employee associate you could possibly be while making a positive difference in other people's lives!
What are you most passionate about? 9 chances out of 10, your purpose lies somewhere inside of there.
What is important to pay attention to is not living your purpose, the reason you were put here on this earth!
What was big on my heart today is how we are easy to become programmed into cycles. We wake up, do whatever our daily tasks are, go to bed or whatever it is we do, and we repeat the same cycles, over and over.
When we are living out our purpose, it is not something that becomes redundant because we should be steadily changing within our vision of our particular purpose.
Living our purpose is like an art creation. When you first begin your art piece, you are mostly unaware of what to create until you gain a vision for it or some may freestyle it altogether. But, whatever you come up with, that is the masterpiece! This is the joy that comes behind the creation of it all, seeing what it comes out to be once it's done!
Now for me, I am not done working toward my purpose, but I can say that along the way, I have reached a lot of beautiful milestones. Some of these were among the most tragic, and some were, right off the back, very pleasing experiences. But the beauty of my path, I am yet to see the half of it. At least I hope not!
So, please, take the time to think on these things for a moment if your purpose is important to you. Remember, you can do this in the freewill of where you are, no one even has to know your thoughts. I am not looking for you to share this with me or anyone else (but, I am not shunning you away if you would like to).
If you do not know your reason for being here, please take this as important. You may never know whom you were meant to reach or touch the heart of in some kind of way.
Warm hugs can go a long way, you know?
Not knowing your purpose is like having an inheritance, but you spent it all up because of never knowing what to do with it. Pointless!
You can find out your purpose just by paying attention to your life, the things you've gone through and your experiences. What are you most passionate about? What is it that you would absolutely die to accomplish if you had to?
Start here. Don't stop digging until you find the gold! Your purpose. Your passion.