Daily "Manna" Devotions!
One thing I completely forgot to mention are the daily "Manna" devotions I have been working on! Silly me! This is something new that I am doing as I am attempting to create a whole entire year's worth of these bad boys!
I figured, homeschool moms need tending to sometimes, right? I know, I do!
Let me...tell you...something...if you really want to add a good picker upper to your day or if you're like me and wanting to actually use these in your devotion time with the Lord, sign up here and I will send them right to your e-mail every time I post them.
I do try to post them daily; however, I have been working on so many things at once, I may miss a day or two or three just to take a break.
What? A girl needs a break sometimes, right???
I wish I could say that these devotions were created only with you in mind, but I must admit sometimes they are for me as I am being ministered to right as I am writing them {snickering}.
The Lord has his way of dealing with my heart on a particular subject that, at the time, I can't see how it may relate to myself, but after the finished product, my spirit begins to feel like it's ate a whole spiritual meal!
I be feeling that much free, honey!
Now, please don't take my sureness of these devotions as pride because it may seem that way. But honestly sometimes, the Lord deals with my heart in ways unimaginable! If you could only see what I experience in my spirit from day to day, you would understand.
I can carry so much at times due to working in the helping ministry and this can cause my spirit to really become drained and overloaded.
Trust me, I need these devotions just as much as the next person! So, I extend these to you to use at your leisure.
To access them, visit the Mom's Closet and click on the first shoe. Yes, I said shoe!...(smile).
You can also access them by clicking the picture below.
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